We have found over the years that by concentrating solely on helping occupiers, we have avoided all the usual industry conflicts of interest. By only acting for tenants, our clients know we have their best interests at heart.

A feet on the ground business model
Most commercial property agents in London act for both Landlord & Tenant – we just act for Tenants and are proud of our tenant only representation model. This ensure we avoid any conflict of interest issues, as well better relating to the exact needs and concerns expressed by our occupier clients.
Our independence is very precious to us as our No1 aim is to look after our clients interests – no matter what…! We know what you should be paying in any given area of London for Rent and Service Charges and negotiate hard on your behalf to get you the best possible deal. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, our fees are more than covered by the savings we negotiate for you in terms of reduced Rent; Service Charges and Rent-Free periods.

It’s sometimes not very obvious to see the major benefits of employing a firm like ours that specialises in Tenant Only representation, as opposed to large firms that look after both Landlords and Tenants….
To makes this clear, its obvious business sense that whatever industry you’re in, you cant be on both sides of the same deal…! In fact, in financial circles, this would be blatant fraud and/or insider trading etc…! Its a fact that a lot of the large Office Agents here in London earn the vast majority of their fees from huge corporate Landlords, as it represents regular fee income, so you can easily see the temptations to act in the Landlords interest, NOT the Tenant, who they may never see again one the deal is completed.
In conclusion, we will ONLY ever help you, the Tenant…